At Ravensbourne Project, we are always appreciative of donations in any shape and size.

Please go check out our "Go Fund Me" page to make a donation and see what projects your donations can help achieve 

Another way you can donate to us is via PayPal. You can donate nay amount and will go towards one of the project that will help our service users and the wider community.

A way to continuously donate to us is via easyfundraising. There are over 7,000 brands on board ready to make a donation when you make a purchase with them – including eBay, Amazon, Just Eat, ASOS, Tesco and M&S. It will help us raise additional funds and won't cost you a penny extra.

If you would like to donate by alternative means, please contact us on:


and we can discuss with you, the different ways you can help us to deliver our service.